Thursday 21 September 2006

My baby sees the future

When I was 18, I wrote a poem about Fiona called "My Baby Sees The Future". The thing with Fi was she had prophetic dreams, or at least claimed to -- she could never identify a dream as having been prophetic until it happened. One could claim in this case her dreams were vague and unclear like anyone else's, and later she would unconciously impose real-life details into them, making them prophetic. It didn't really matter, and the gist of my poem was more or less if she can see the future, does she see us together? Did she ever dream of the two of us together, 10 years down the line? If she did, she certainly never told me about it.

Last night I dreamed about her. It was nothing exciting, certainly nothing dodgy, but I dreamed about her running a pub with some guy named Tim. It amused me enough to text her and tell her about it. She laughed, and said the funny thing about it was that night in the pub she had met a guy called Tim. Tim apparently had wanted her to run away with him, she said he was offering her land -- that he owned farmland somewhere, or something. Being Fi she suggested to me that maybe in a parallel universe she was with Tim.

That night she dreamed that she was still with her ex, but was cheating on him with her current boyfriend. I think that one says less about parallel universes, though.


  1. I wish i could see next weeks lottery numbers in my dreams.
    I see dead people instead.

  2. oooo, I love dreams like that.
    I see dead people too. yay us steph!

  3. Steph: It's hard to know what to say to that. I'm sorry?
    Mez: Is this some part of Aussie culture that Neighbours didn't mention? That you meet the dead in your dreams? I'll have to ask Ms Fits now, for consensus, since she's the only other Aussie I know...

  4. My mom, and I, and about half the people I know, it seems, have "deja vu" dreams. Not dreams about the strip club (chain here in the states, in case you never ran into it)...yeah, dreams. that fortell the future!!! of sorts. They're always dumb- like some weird scenario, like, "okay, Anton is on the phone in the living room facing away from me, and I walked in the apartment with an armful of rocks." and it doesn't make sense, so I forget about it, till it happens, and I walk in the apartment with an armful of rocks for the zen room set up and Anton is in the living room facing away from me on the's never anything useful, just...weird random things, which I have a theory about but won't go into because a) It'll take up all the space in the comment box, and b) you'll be skeptical about it. XP

  5. Jamie: I'd love to hear your theory, am I not allowed to if I'm naturally sceptical? What about if you tell me and I'm sceptical but just don't let on?

    I've got a theory, it could be bunnies.....

  6. Was it Tim Nice But Dim?

    Dreams... if only they came true a little more often, eh, Jay?

  7. WDKy: Haha, the funny thing is San has a "friend" called Tim, whom I insist on referring to as Tim-nice-but-dim. Nothing beats a bit of old fashioned jealousy on that front.

    As for dreams... I'm not so sure I'd want them coming true.
