Wednesday 22 August 2007

News day Wednesday

Japan recalls arm wrestling game

A Japanese arm wrestling game is being withdrawn from arcades across the country after three players broke their arms, company officials said.

Arm Spirit, which is distributed by Atlus, is to be removed from 150 game emporiums as "a precaution".

"We think that maybe some players get over-excited and twist their arms in an unnatural way," a spokesman said.

It might sound silly, but a friend of mine did that exact thing once. They report the machine "isn't even that strong", and quite so -- it's that bit about twisting the arm that's the problem.

James was arm wrestling people in the pub in that way that drunk boys do. For some reason, he was eventually pitted against some kid who thought he was all that but it was widely accepted James would beat. Unfortunately, the angles were wrong.

While the contender knelt on the floor and rested his arm on the table, James was leaning down and occasionally his arm would slip out from under him. Then suddenly it slipped once more, his arm twisted, and the pub went silent at the very-audible sound of a crack.

I think it was what is known as a spindle break, where the bone twisted in a spiral like a corkscrew to break, rather than just in a straight line. He was in plaster for about six months...

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