Friday 21 May 2010

Lost and Found

I got wondering today about lost property offices.

What if there was an office where everything you had ever lost was being kept? There would be hats, scarves, single gloves, jackets lost in clubs, wallets left on counters in shops. Maybe there would be beliefs or abstract emotions that had fallen by the wayside.

All these things exist in an office, in a room, and wait to be retrieved. But to retrieve anything there is a price. The cost for each item you want to keep is you would have to exchange it for something else, something you would miss. You have to choose which item you would miss more.

Do you want that scarf you were given as a present one winter which you left on a train late at night, two days on? Do you want your favourite jacket that you left on the back of a chair, which you realised was missing, but came back to find it was gone?

Do we value more the things we lose? What if you visit the office and you find these things you had almost pined for were no longer your style?

What if that feeling of confidence you once had and lost you now found feels more like a false bravado?

Maybe you would leave the lost property office with none of the things you missed.

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