Friday 6 February 2004

wonky(like a donkey with three legs)

It's been too long, and I apologise profusely and sincerely. It has just been...well, you know how it is.

So I spent the past week with metal brackets on my teeth and elastic bands effectively holding my mouth shut, and I got used to it very quickly. Today I went back to the hospital and they said it's not working. They said they wanted to cut my face open and put metal plates in my jaw, then wire it shut. The seemed to want me to be able to sit there and say "Oh okay then, go right ahead." or "No, I think I will give it a miss". They didn't seem impressed that i said I would need some time to think about. Suddenly when it's their time everything needs to be done right away -- when it's my jaw that they're taking their time deciding about fixing they can misplace x-rays and idle for days or weeks on end.

Anyway. I have since thought it over, and I say it's not going to happen. If I had a job and could get paid leave or something that might be a different matter. But I don't. I can't afford any time off my course (although it has been suggested to me I could defer for a year...) and if I wasn't studying I would have to be working which obviously I wouldn't be able to do. So I weigh up the other options. My jaw is, for want of a better word, wonky. My teeth don't meet and it's not aligned as it should be. The chances are though how it is now is how it's going to set, and stay. And you know what? It was wonky before all of this happened. My teeth have never met in the middle. It doesn't really my life and the only hassle right now is not being able to eat normally -- which is because of the fracture, not the alignment itself.

There is also a risk that they could damage a certain nerve leaving me with a permanently drooping lower lip.

Call me vain if you like, but no way. I have self esteem issues as it is -- I don't need something like that in my life. So I won't be seeing what's behind the door. Sure, it could be a car, or a lady with a tiger. But I will leave with my wonky jaw, thanks all the same.

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