Monday 7 December 2009

Tonight I dream of home

I dreamed the other night I won a round-the-world ticket.

Generally speaking, I am opposed to the idea of writing in my blog about dreams I have.  However crazy and funny dreams our may seem to us, their intended audience, generally once we start writing about how we had this dream that we were totally at the mall, but there was a lion there, and suddenly it wasn't a lion after all and everyone was in school doing detention... it becomes something worse than just inane.

But I will make an exception just. this. once.

Because I didn't just dream I had won a round-the-world ticket, but I dreamed I was going to have a grand adventure.  And that I was going to take my uncle Patrick with me.  My uncle Patrick is probably somewhere in his late 40's these days, he has multiple sclerosis, and is in a care home.  It wasn't meant to be a zany and wacky idea in my dream, but perhaps I just thought that I really wanted him to see the world?

The dream wasn't really anything more than just that simple concept.  But I woke up unexpectedly, and as is often the case was filled with a strange manic idea that this dream was the most brilliant idea ever.  It happens a lot, where I'll be convinced that the dream I just had will make an excellent plot for a book, or a film.  In this case, I went one further -- I thought it was a fantastic idea to act out.  And so what if I hadn't actually won any competition?  I would contact the relevant PR departments of companies like Virgin and pitch them my idea -- they should give me a pair of round-the-world plane tickets, and in turn I would take my uncle with me and blog about this incredible journey we would then take.  No doubt I would also be showered with fame and fortune and never have to do an honest day's work ever again. 

I fell back asleep with delusions if brilliance running through my head, of how I could say he was swapping Clacton-on-Sea for Cape Town, for Casablanca, for Calcutta, for California...

...and I woke up again an undetermined time later with a slight feeling of foolishness, like when you wake up with hazy memories of drunken stupidity.  In the sobering daylight my brilliant idea had some major flaws: my uncle is disabled and he is in a care home.  Somehow I don't think he is in a suitable position for making long journeys by air, on the semi-regular basis such a trip would involve.  He would probably also need at least one carer with him, and I expect a large supply of prescription medication.  Aside from any of that, he probably wouldn't even want to go on such a journey -- I can't really imagine it being top of his things to do list.  While I am sure he would like to see the world in theory, in practice he probably wouldn't enjoy it.

I am bemused as to why my subconscious immediately seized upon the idea of the two of us like some kind of fucked up buddy movie.  I guess something sensible like dreaming I was going on such an amazing journey with the girl would have been all too obvious.  I can sort of see in some ways what it was saying, there is a genuine desire in me to help people along with a craving for adventure and excitement, so I guess my uncle in this case was symbolic.  The dream's themes make a whole lot more sense than my half-asleep manic delusions though, and I think I'll stick to daydreaming about travel with the girl instead -- and maybe I'll send my uncle one of my photo art prints from Peru or something for Christmas.


  1. Speaking of weird dreams, I had a post-apocolyptic dream last night during the course of which I knocked up the girl I was trying to survive with. Not really sure what my subconscious was trying to tell me with that one.

  2. Also, it's *really* hard to leave comments on your blog. Seriously. I think I have to hit "post comment" about 4 times-- and even then I'm lucky that my google account was logged in, otherwise it would be harder again. I think you should review... yeah?

  3. I don't know, it'd be a pretty good adventure for anyone, even Uncle Patrick. But I'd like to come too, so I hope you pick me when you win this trip. Because I'm just that selfish.

  4. Jay--

    If it's any consolation (not that you're asking to be consoled...) not only would I watch this fucked up buddy movie starring you & Uncle Patrick, I would probably buy it on DVD, adding it to our quixotic and eccentric collection that threatens to topple our shelf and drive my wife mad.

  5. I'm with Mr Apron here Jay, that would make an excellent buddy film, but probably more a low-budget British film industry version, probably starring either Bob Hoskins or Michael Caine as a cantankerous and fun-loving Uncle Patrick, and Rupert Grint or the nerdy guy from the In-Betweeners as the fictional (and nerdier) you. You'd learn to embrace life, and Patrick would soften a little and maybe fall for an Italian taverna owner called Maria-Grazia.

    I have faaar too much free time.

    That's such a nice dream tho, and I know what you mean about being reluctant to post the usual 'I had such a mad dream, must have been the cheese' inane story.

    Lovely post :)

  6. what fun. and dreams are often an inspiration for creation! did you know the characters of twilight for example came from the author's dreams? genius.

  7. just given you a blog knighthood. you can oick it up on my page, jay :)

  8. I never, ever used to remember my dreams and I have been lately... I kind of like it. ;-)

  9. I read this in class. I'm in love.

  10. Jamie: I think your dream is telling you that you're a playa, even at the end of the world you can't leave the ladies alone ;)

    Amanda: I think in theory he'd enjoy it, but in practice I think there'd be way too many difficulties, and he might be quite happy with the way his life is. And I've made commenting easier, just for you x

    Mr Apron: That's high praise indeed, maybe I'll try and write it as a screenplay in that case?

    Radiogael: Rupert Grint or the nerdy guy from the In-Betweeners? I'm horrified that's how I come across to readers! I'm not sure Uncle Patrick needs softening exactly, but I think his illness would be a serious hindrance to any trip. But maybe you and Mr Apron are right, and I should write it down.

    Lilu: Why does that sound vaguely dirty?

    Mae: Haha! Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.

  11. Yes but can you astral travel in your dreams? I can cos I am just that awesome!...........In my dreamstate that is.

  12. Steph: While I am sure you can do a lot of amazing things from your bed, I'm afraid I'm a sceptic on this one. I don't believe in astral projection -- I'd be willing to accept perhaps you are msitaking lucid dreams for something altogether more amazing?
