Saturday 17 January 2004

Kick me when I'm down

I have a fractured jaw.

This is along with all the lumps and cuts and bruises all over my head, and general bruising all over.

This is all thanks to three kids who were looking for trouble on a Friday night and they found me. I have learned that if people are walking towards you blocking the pavement, walk around them. Don't try and walk through them or shoulder barge them like I did.

Becuase if you do they will beat the living shit out of you, and then keep kicking you when you are on the floor. And then the kicking stops and they disappear and you lie there until you think they've gone.

but you only get a little way down the road before you are risking your life, running across four lanes of traffic just to get away, and they catch you anyway, beat you some more and give you a further kicking until they are scared away by some passers by.

it's 3am. I just got back to San's from the hospital. I'm too scared to go back to my own flat -- though this fear probably only extends to it at night. so I'm going to be something more of a shut in. a shut in that can't eat solid food, and will probably have to get taxis to take me home after class if it is dark at the time.

the police were very nice to me though, and it's to their credit they stayed at the hospital with me to get the paperwork done, and didn't just say "we'll do it another day".

So where does this leave us? I was depressed to begin with, questioning my choice of career and hating my course. Now I am depressed, hating my course, questioning my choice of career, afraid to go out alone after dark, in a lot of pain and unable to eat solid foods.

I don't think I want to play this game any more.

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