Sunday 4 January 2004

Something needs to be done

Something needs to be done. This stress over what I am going to do about my course is starting to interfere with my normal life. My dreams are disturbed and I almost welcome the chance to get out of bed today. I have dark circles under my eyes that look like bruises -- what causes these dark rings? I mean, I know that it's from not sleeping properly and feeling like shit -- but what actually causes the circles? My appetite -- what little appetite I normally have -- has more or less packed its bags and left for another town, and to round things off I have that sore-throat feeling like I'm coming down with something.

The way I see it right now my choices are more or less limited to:
-- Quit my course; get some random job or jobs until I work out what I want to do
-- Quit my course with the view to taking a job as a bar supervisor or assistant manager some place
-- Don't quit my course; continue to feel miserable about it

And to think that I was so desperate to be accepted for a place. I saw it as my way of getting out and moving up, the beginning of my life properly, and wasn't sure what I could possibly do if I didn't get accepted. Now I almost wish I had never applied to begin with.

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