Tuesday 5 December 2006


Do you ever have friends -- real life friends -- that you don't see very often and instead you only get to chat to them online or exchange text messages and sometimes... maybe it's you or maybe it's the air pressure or maybe it's nothing. But sometimes you just feel like you can't even remember why you are friends because they only annoy you.

And it's weird because you can go through whole stretches of just feeling irritated by them or feeling nothing about them.

And you know that when you'll see them next, and you do know it's a when-not-if, you know when you see them that it will be good. You will remember all the good things about each other and why you are friends and feel you should do it more often.

But you don't.

And before you know it, you're just back to thinking "What is it I like about them, again?"

Maybe that's only me being a curmudgeon.


  1. Curmudgeon!

    No, I know what you mean, now that a good chunk of my friends have moved on to Detroit.Anton always asks why I don't hang out with them anymore, and I'm pretty sure it's because I just don't like them, these people I used to spend day after day with, used to do everything with. In fact, the more time I spend away from a person, the more I really just don't care. Which means I have no friends.

  2. I have a friend like that. Whenever we hang out it's great but we hardly hang out. I think she's a once-in-awhile friend - if I hung out with her any more than once in awhile, I'd get the shits with her (and probably vice versa).

  3. Careful, young Jay! You may become a misanthropist & have no friends like me...

  4. I blame technology. Before cell phones and the Internet, you could choose to be "off the radar" much easier. Now if someone has your number or e-mail, there is some sort of obligation to maintain relationships. This product proves superficial.

  5. Jamie: you wouldn't be the first to call me it. And I have a feeling I might lose a whole lot of friends when I move.
    MB: I'm not sure if they're once-in-a-while friends or if we just don't get to see each other as often as we'd like, but you're probably right.
    Aurore: I've been called a misanthrope for years already :p
    Crème: I don't know which is better -- never seeing someone, or the superficial relationship.
