Saturday 16 February 2008

Boys Don't Cry

We'd known for months Calvin was leaving. I mean, it had been on the cards for years that he was going to move back to Canada, but back then it had been more...well, hypothetical. There was no actual date in mind, and more recently Calvin had speculated at some date in the next few years. Plenty of time away.

Then circumstances changed, Calvin got made redundant -- for, what, the second time in like 3 years or something? -- and everything got moved ahead of schedule. In just a few months it went from being a date in some unknown future, to a concrete reality. But I have an knack of being unable to really grasp major things until they are actually happening -- they don't seem real. I'd like to say that's why I never really studied as much as I should have in the past, because I couldn't quite make the link in my head from that to my future. When I was going to Utah, I only started to pack the night before I left.

Months became weeks, and soon the weeks were dwindling away. A group of us went out last weekend as a farewell dinner for Calvin, something I had originally been organising as a belated birthday meal for me -- which funnily enough had been originally planned for Jongleurs in Camden town, which is only "funnily enough" if you know that last Saturday night Camden market burned down. The meal itself was good, despite some dramas that I don't want to relive by documenting here, but even though that was a farewell it still didn't seem altogether real. I gave Calvin a photo album/scrap book we had bought him, so that he could put in pictures of his old friends and whatever else he desired. And still, I thought someone might still turn the lights up and everyone would say "Surprise! It's all a big joke, he's not going anywhere!" -- although how that would have worked for anyone I don't know. Besides, the time had come and Calvin wanted to go. Real hockey, cute Canadian girls and proper weather all awaited him.

Last night was his last night in town. Much like any other Friday night we all went to the pub, but where I'd objected to going on nights like Christmas eve, last night it felt right. Going anywhere else just wouldn't have been the same -- it was like a ritual. So we went to the pub and drank and talked and laughed like any other night -- while I also tried to get my friends to sign a card I had bought for Calvin. It wasn't easy -- I'd already got several people to sign it during the week, but a few still remained on the night. I didn't manage the subtle part very well, but I think Calvin appreciated the gesture all the same.

At the end of the night, Calvin drove us home and I was the last one left, sitting in the back on my own, when we got to my house. It wasn't goodnight so much as goodbye, and I just didn't know what to say to really sum it up properly. We chatted for a few minutes, until I said that I had to go inside or else I was going to end up crying. We said so long, see you later, and I went upstairs. As I sat trying to compose in an SMS the words that eluded me in his card and in person, my phone buzzed with a message from Calvin. He called me a bastard for making him cry, said he'd just about been keeping it together until then. Good to know I wasn't being over sentimental. I reminded him of the good times we'd had celebrating Canada Day (even with this year's terror scares), the jazz club in Soho and countless nights playing pool -- even playing pool on Christmas Eve one year -- and that I'd see him when he's back in July.

It's not going to be the same, but here's raising a glass to new horizons and new adventures.


  1. Oh Sweetie, you know I've said more than my fair share of goodbyes to friends over the years. It always sucks, and I always cry, without fail.

    New horizons and new adventures indeed.

  2. Goodbyes are helluva tough. Unlike hellos - and you'll get to say hello to him in a few short months. Plus, there's the internet. Huzzah for the internet!!

  3. I can assure you, that even as I am sat here Canada typing this now, it still doesn't feel quite real.

    I thought that this would be one of those things that I wanted too much... one of those things that always feels that little bit too far out of reach.

    But no, despite my disbelief I have actually done this. I am a resident of Canada once again, I just need to keep telling myself this.

    Once I get sorted out with a job, and get back into a routine then I'm sure it will all start to feel normal again.

    You're not gonna get rid of me that easy though buddy! As you said I'll be back in July, and you'll be out here for a visit next year hopefully. In the meantime there are the various Internet based methods available. Hell, the move finally got me to leave a comment on here for you. :p

  4. There's no such thing as cute Canadian girls.

  5. I hate goodbyes. I never fully comprehend the finality,either. You should totally go to Canada tho, hoser. Contrary to some opinions here, Canadian chicks are hot.

  6. China Blue: You'd drink to there being a "Y" in the day ;)

    Amanda: I guess it's a time of new horizons and adventures for us all, huh?

    Dune: I like hellos like meeting someone new at the ariport -- and yes, huzzah for the internet!

    Calvin: Dammit, I hoped I was shot of you! But I'm glad you know how the comments like works now ;)
    Have fun in Canada, dude -- make sure you work that English charm.

    Cappy: I've meet and seen a few of them, but hey -- each to their own.

    Jamie: You only want me to go to Canada so you can visit -- I know your game ;)

  7. nu uh! I don't even know where Calvin lives at in Canada! It could be the prairies for all I know!

    Okay, yeah. I do have ulterior motives, but I see nothing wrong with that. u_u
