Sunday 3 February 2008

My room, in 9 points or less

1. "Kryptonite" clock, I like the old, 1950's Americana style. I did briefly move the clock to a different wall and replace it with a ceramic Aztec sun, but I couldn't get used to looking there for the time, and moved it back.

2. "Fingeroo" my Kangaroo finger puppet and phone charm that were among my birthday presents from San this year. Anyone else would probably think it was odd and random, but it's exactly my sense of humour.

3. "Nighthawks: 1942" by Edward Hopper. As longer term readers might remember, I am a big fan of Edward Hopper's work. His paintings in turn are an influence on my photography.

4. My snowboard. Unused for another season, it's annoying living in England where although it's freezing cold it rarely snows, and there's no mountains anyway. No time or funds for a European snow break this year, I hope instead to buy some new boots and take some lessons in time for the season next year. I've tried several times when my funds were at their lowest to sell the board, but it won't go.

5. "Frank" my snake plant. A plant native to the Arizona desert, he didn't really thrive in my bedroom until we got double glazing. I periodically move him around the house depending on how much light/heat I think he needs.

6. A wine bottle carafe -- now being used to collect 1p and 2p coins. Until recently, it also collected 5p coins, until I found the coke machine at work that only ever takes exact change accepted 5p coins, and tipped them all out.

7. "L'Eau D'Issey Pour Homme" eau de toilette. A little known fact is that I prefer eau de toilette to aftershave lotion, but of all fragrances tried, sampled and worn Issey Miyake remains my favourite.

8. My British passport. Still lying on the desk because I had to rummage it out recently when booking flights to Seville for Easter, it seems the Spanish authorities now need passport details for everyone travelling.

9. One, single, solitary glow-in-the-dark star. Until quite recently, I had various stars on my ceiling and walls -- then I read DownHomeGirl's comments on the Sunday Times list of "Reasons Why You're Single". Right there, at number 8 -- "[you] have glow in the dark stars above your bed". This is probably one that was previously gracing the front of my monitor, though looking around the room I can see a couple of others I have missed. The eagle-eyed among you will notice there is still one stuck to my clock.

Edit: Jiminy Cricket has suggested I make this a meme. So I shall. It is the "My room in 9 points" meme, and along with him I also tag to do the same Mez, Zero Sum, Treespotter and Moaky. As mentioned in the comments, the rules are simple: take a picture of your room, then tag 9 random items in the picture. And you are not allowed to deliberately place items in the picture.


  1. I can't believe you took down the stars because of that stupid list! :( Incidentally, I get a pile of searches coming to me courtesy of "reasons why I'm single", so you're probably not the only one.

    You know stalker types are now going to hang around department stores, smelling your eau de toilette? Not to creep you out or anything.

  2. The finger-roo is awesome!
    On our bedroom ceiling, someone must have put glow in the dark stars on the roof ages ago, which were then painted over. So while you can't really see the stars, at night there's these weird glowing spots...

  3. Also, make this a meme and tag everyone. It would be way cooler than a lot of memes I've seen floating about.

    PS: Your eau de toilette smells lovely... hehehe

  4. Upon looking at your birthday present from San, I'm doubly annoyed that you didn't get mind. You'll understand why when/if you see it.

    heh, I have to admit, I'd think twice about a guy if I saw glow-in-the-dark stars above his bed (it's the equivalent to a Spideman bedspread on the bed *shudder*).

    How'd your date go??

  5. Point of interest, Anton and I both had glow in the dark stars in our respective bedrooms before we got together, and then in our bedroom before we moved. I think it's more of a matter of the type of person you want to date. (and we keep wanting to get the transformer bed set. who wouldn't? until we got rid of the twin bed after the fire we used my Rainbow Brite sheets on it. )

    I have a coffee mug half filled with one and two p coins, filled the rest of the way with pesos. weeee!

  6. I'm a L'Eau D'Issey girl (among others). Twins!

  7. Ohhh but I love those stars!!

  8. Amanda: I actually googled your blog title and "reasons why you're single" to find the post, I couldn't remember when it was. But it seems opinion is divided on if the stars should go or not...

    Jiminy: I can imagine your flat was student digs at some point and rather than risk taking the paint off with the stars (or just through laziness) they got painted over. Must be an interesting effect. As for making it a meme, that's not a bad idea -- so you can consider yourself tagged.

    The rules are it has to be 9 things, and it has to be an unplanned photo -- you can't deliberately put items in shot for whatever reason!

    Dune: Now that I *have* got yours, I now know why you were annoyed! As for the stars -- like I've said to Amanda, it seems opinion is divided. You count for one vote against. And the date? You've now had the debrief about it, I don't know if it will get a blog post...

    Jamie: You would be a vote for glow stars -- but it's certainly a tricky one to try and judge in a potential date. You and Anton certainly seem well matched!

    Mez: Like, we're so totally twins! Awesome!

    Steph: Too bad I'm not trying to date you.

  9. Actually, I'm a vote for "Don't change things about yourself or your possessions based on an arbitrary list of someone else's tastes."

  10. This is a really cool idea. Our bedroom looks like a temporary dwelling right now, but as soon as the New World Order (that is, what happens when you move into a house and chose all the wrong rooms for the wrong things and then have to move everything around later when its really awkward and inconvinient) that is the upstairs of our house, has been sorted and I actually have stuff in my room that I want to be there, rather than just stuff that has nowhere else to go, I will return this.
    Remind me.
