Monday 22 March 2004

Bringing back my star

I was trying to hold out on renewing my d-x plus subscription, not because I didn't want to renew but because I wanted to see what the new features would be. But the new features aren't yet here, and I had been reduced to a normal user again. I was more worried about losing the pics I had saved here than anything else, but the pics are all still there and my gold star will be returned.

Things here are much the same as ever. That is, I'm confused.

I have edited this entry to cut out what was a bit of a ramble about some issues of a more personal nature, so if you read it and have come back to find it gone -- that's why, you're not crazy. I have deleted that stuff because I have since found some medical information that has put my mind at ease a little, and where San was being cold and/or moody this morning she has since found that her essay that she thought was due in tomorrow isn't due in until next week, and has told me she isn't in such a foul mood any more. Just the same I've declined her invitation to stay the night since I need to go home for drugs.

As for me, yeah, I'm currently feeling a little adrift. I need to get out to the swimming pool and exert myself a little -- swimming, rock climbing, I exert myself and I'm not troubled with thoughts of I'm not good enough, or I need to do this right. Maybe I just forgot to take my medication yesterday, or maybe I just need some time alone.

And look at the new template I have wasted about five hours fiddling with, rather than learning about copyright, defamation and the 1981 contempt of court act. Or going swimming. But I shall put right the latter now...

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