Monday 12 April 2004

The last day

Once again, it's my last day 'back home' before I return to Leicester. I can't say I desperately want to stay here, for a small town this place has more than a fair share of trouble and violence. But I miss my friends, and I miss the cat, and I miss not living alone. Just the same, you face forward, or you face the possibility of shock and damage (in the words of Emma, whoever knows what that's from gets a sticker).

This afternoon, after perhaps too much wine at lunch, I took a nap on my bed with the cat. Actually, the cat was already asleep on the bed -- but he was willing to share with me, if I didn't take up too much space. Which was good for him.

So it's back to Leicester I go, for all of about a day and a half, before I fly off to Ireland for a week. It's about time that I went somewhere new, digged stuff, had an adventure. Dave is letting me sleep on his couch, for which I am eternally grateful, and armed with a camera and a notebook I shall see the sights and... well, dig stuff. I'd take my battered copy of On The Road or The Dharma Bums, but perhaps the books I read when I travelled across the USA don't have the same relevance in Cork.

Outside it's a bright spring day. The sun is shining, but the air is still cold -- and I'm grateful that I didn't have to work today.

-- and as a post-script to this entry, I'd like to point out that my diary-x email is now rejecting all mail, because someone out there is using it as their return address for all kinds of shit. So for now, you have to use the comments box if you don't know how to reach me any other way...

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