Friday 24 February 2006

Watching the people get lairy

My deviantArt space has now been updated with pictures from France -- I have set the critique level to encourage advanced critiques, so feel free to offer suggestions, advice, criticisms or just heap praise upon me for my unrivalled talent.

I have been fiddling with photoshop, and have set up a plug in for writing scripts which I am told will help me able to automatically add a watermark to all of my artwork. This is a first step before I set up a print account with dA. I want to be able to sell my work through the site -- before hopefully one day being able to sell my work independently -- but I live in paranoia of people buying or copying my work and passing it off as their own. A nightmarish vision of my art ending up on mass produced postcards and being unable to prove that it was ever my original work. Perhaps that's a little vain, I don't know.

I've also set Photoshop up with the 'urban acid' plugin, which monkeys around with the hue and saturation of pictures to give them a washed-out, nightmarish feel. It's very cool, but hasn't yet warranted creating a new deviation on the strength of it. I might do at a later date, or I might reserve it for making a photoblog -- there's only so many times you can see the same picture otherwise.

I had an interesting moment at work today, where I realised that even if I quite like the job and the industry sometimes, and even if I am good at what I do, maybe I really am in the wrong job. It went like this: It's like this; at work, Laura was doing some work on her NVQ (a vocational qualification, for non-English folk) and her assessor person asked me to come over to do something. Turned out she wanted me to write a couple of "witness statements", in relation to some situations Laura had written about for her evidence. It was just bullshit, saying she was good at her job and whatever in the contexts she had given. The thing was it gave me a bit of an opportunity to write well, if only very briefly for a couple of paragraphs. But the assessor actually commented on how well they were written, laughingly asked me if I wanted a job. I bit my tongue from saying "Yes! Please! Give me a job writing!" but it made me stop and think. Maybe I should be doing something with my talent -- other than blogging.

I was actually thinking last night when I was at a concert that perhaps I should set up a blog exclusively to review music in -- live and recorded -- and advertise it. It would be like a blog of the music press. Or I could set up my own domain where I blog -- though I don't think the content of this blog would be suitable for mass consumption -- and integrate my art work from deviantart, including the option to buy my work, into one big site. It actually all sounds a lot like my friend Calvin's recommendation that I look at trying to train for jobs as a web editor, if I could get some design skills I could combine them with my writing ability... But nobody wants to train you for those IT jobs.

This was more or less just to tout my dA page, anyway. And soon I will start including some of my random scribblings from my travels.... I might even look at copying into here my old dx entries, since I don't know if I will be going back there again even if it comes back online.

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