Thursday 8 February 2007

6 weird things about you

I promised a "six weird things" post, after all -- The Wee Italian Chick tagged me, so I had no choice. Blogger ate my first draft, where I got to about three or four, so here we go again...

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

  • I have no sense of direction. If I'm out shopping, there's a 90% chance I will turn the wrong way when I leave whatever shop I am in. I then have to pretend I meant to go that way, and have an elaborate pantomime of stopping in front of a shop window and looking really interested in something, nodding to myself as if to say "I am satisfied that is what I needed to look at, now I may be on my way", turn the way I was meant to go all along and carry on... This is all for the benefit of anyone who might be watching and thinking "He just turned left instead of right, what a fool". That could almost count as two things.

  • I've actually had to see specialist doctors for a variety of reasons in my life, that don't really count as separate numbers -- but to summarise:
    I have very bad "spatial awareness", this means I am clumsy. I walk into doorframes a lot, since I misjudge where I am in relation to the gap, I also am known to hit my head on the wall if I bend down to pick up the post. As a kid, my parents were concerned I might be showing early-warning signs of multiple sclerosis and had me checked out. Turns out, no, I really am just clumsy.
    I also have had to see a Harley Street heart specialist, when I was discovered that no, it's not normal to be able to see one's heart visibly beating through several layers of clothes. The specialist was less interested in that as he was a heart murmur they found while checking it all out. Turns out the murmur wasn't significant and they still don't know why it is you can see my heart, but it has been written off as unimportant.

  • This is weird enough to warrant a whole number; I have only one (known) allergy: sunlight. Okay maybe not "-light" but the sun. My skin is so sensitive to the sun it is considered to be an allergy, this means lots of sun block in the summer -- and if that doesn't sound strange, consider the famously wet "Great British Summer"

  • I used obsessively wear a pair of Elvis-style yellow-tinted sunglasses, like all of the time. I bought a pair in Vegas, but they broke. So I bought another pair in Santa Monica, and wore them obsessively for ages. I was wearing them the first time I met San, and the first time I saw Fiona after something like 10 months, after returning from Utah. It's a wonder to me now that either of them was willing to see me again. I don't really know what I was thinking at the time anymore.

  • I wash my feet in vodka. This is a relatively new quirk, but essentially vodka appears to be much the same thing as "surgical spirit" or what I believe is also commonly known as "rubbing alcohol". Using Smirnoff red for this sole purpose is probably not very sensible.

  • And yes, I can count and know it's technically only five -- although some are complex enough to have sub-sections. The trouble is I just can't think of a sixth without getting into personal issues, too much information or just not weird. That doesn't mean I can't tag my six, though: Treespotter, Madame Boffin, China Blue, Mez, Saru-San and Sharp and Pointy. Though technically anyone (lurking) reading the post can also consider themselves tagged...

    and you never know, I might remember something else weird.


    1. First of all, thanks,Jay,for being polite enough to respond to my tag.Secondly if you're weired,you've found your female correspondent in me!!!~1.I have no sense of direction whatsoever. To prove it,I raccomend you read this post of mine. 2.My ex used to call me "Calamity Jane" saying that if there was anything to walk into I'd walk into it (proof of it-I often find random bruises on my body..)3.When I was a teen,I bought a pair of yellow shades I used to wear on my scooter even at night(freak!)-I loved them!

      Being Italian and olive skinned,I do not share your same photoreactivity,though I am dairy intollerant if that helps and I am allergic to bananas. And,last but not least,unfortunately I don't share your same fetish for vodka foot spa-ain't that loaded!and I've found that getting high on the stuff is a much better cure for aching feet!ihih!
      Nice one.

    2. If I leave a comment that means I'm not lurking and therefore, am not tagged. I am clever. u_u

    3. Wish you'd've included the weird things you deemed TMI!

    4. hehe quirky :)

      I do that with the shops - not because I don't know where I'm going but I'll operate on auto and just leave and turn left, go 2 steps, then realise I needed to turn left. I used to make a similar show of pretending that was exactly what I meant to do when I realised that, in all likelihood, no one was paying any attention to me at all so now I just turn and go back. I've now taken to noticing other people who do something similar - you'll see them suddenly stop and turn around.

      Ok, doctors may not be concerned with your beating heart but I certainly am. I mean, the reason why you're not supposed to see your heart beating is because you heart is located underneath your rib cage. So, the only way I can think of to see a person's heart visibly beating is because there is only skin and muscle between you and the heart and no bones/ribcage at all. Which is worrying, since you need a ribcage to protect the heart from accidental damage (like walking into a wall). Still, I'm no M.D.

      I accept your tag and shall post anon.

    5. I, too, share the lack of directional sense, but now if I try to use that as one of my six weird things everybody will just think I'm a copycat! Damn it.

      I will do this thing for which I am tagged, I swear, but as with everything I ever embark on it will probably come after a considerable delay. I pretty much dwell at procrastinator central.

    6. Gosh, you don't think i'm weird enough as it is?

      well well... i guess i can start...

    7. vodka is for drinkin', you freak!!! :P

    8. Wee Italian Chick: I read your post and like your philosophy surrounding getting lost, I shouldn't be ashamed of it. And I should have known you could out-weird me.
      Jamie: By reading at all, you're tagged -- not just by being a lurker. Go on, you know you want to.
      Madame Boffin: It's sweet of you to be concerned, but I'm pretty sure from my own examinations and from (a perhaps misplaced) faith in my previous doctors, that my heart really is beneath my ribcage. At least, I can't poke it, so that's good -- right? Eagerly awaiting your post :)
      Saru-San: Since this lack of directional sense seems more common than I thought, maybe it's not so weird after all? But I'm sure you'll have no trouble with six things
      Treespotter: It's because of that I want to hear your six things!
      Mez: Who you calling freak?! And there are plenty of other very good uses for vodka.

    9. According to Mythbusters, vodka is useful for a great many things other than drinking.

    10. Hmmm.. I was not a lurker on your page before, but I may become one now. Ask Saru - I make a much better lurker than I do a commentor! (you could remind him of the "girlie-girl" incident).

      6 weird things, eh? Oh, I'm sure I'll have no trouble. Thanks for the fun!

