Tuesday 20 May 2008

The great black bird comes to life


  1. I will explain further in an email, but it looks really awesome when it's a small, thumbnail size- I think from across the gallery it'll look cool, and close up with the words will give it some extra depth.

    You need to sign it.

  2. What are you retarded!? That's fucking shit. wtf is that supposed to be

  3. Hey, that's kind of cool. I had a hard time reading the text, but the bird is interesting. Wasn't that better than trying to perfectly recreate a raven?

  4. I like it- definitely better than tracing and such! I really like the way you did the feathers, especially the tail feathers. I can see why it would induce nightmares.

    Also: Do some people need to learn how to play on the internets?

  5. Hehe, I'm pretty sure some people were just born dicks.

  6. Amanda: Thank you, it's good to know that it views well small or at a distance. I never did sign it. Damn.

    mshowdyhenry: Don't think I don't know who you are.

    Diane: The text was meant to be difficult to read, but it might be easier in person. And yes, much better than trying to perfectly recreate a bird :)

    Jamie: It's not a faithful representation of the bird in my dream, but I think I capture the nightmarish feeling of it. Thanks :)
