Monday 19 June 2006


I can't be arsed to make this long or introspective, so recent stuff in summary format. A bit like watching highlights of the world cup games later in the evening.

Philippa: I texted Philippa on Saturday. She replied. She quit her job in the pub, after the boss came onto her. She says she has been "dossing" since then and is considering moving to the Lake District. I told her not to move to the North -- for the unspoken selfish reason I won't see her if she does. And while I'm encouraged that she was warm and friendly in the few messages we exchanged, I'm a little put out that if she hasn't been working why didn't she ask me to hang out. She's worth some continued attention though.

Jade: Fuck knows. That about sums up about everything to do with her. She seems to have deliberately and actively given me the brush off, without having the balls to actually tell me so or why.

Fiona: Emailing me fairly regularly, and called me the other day just to chat. I'm trying to get her ino the Great Lakes Myth Society, since she likes poetry and her music a little quirky. Wants to meet up.

Lyndsay: Apparently both alive and well -- or at least alive. Responded to an email I sent her, asking if she was still alive, saying she doesn't have internet at home. She is checking her emails on her mobile phone, so I give her limited sympathy for not talking to me in months. She says she is moving to England. Oh my god.

Work: Some drama lately that brought up the idea that some work experience
might have to leave. If I have to leave I'd be effectively unemployed, so need to start chasing more recruitment consultancies this week about registering. They still seem pretty happy with my work, but don't seem about to offer me a job.

Home: My parents are away for a week. I wish I had taken this week as holiday to just sit around in my underwear and drink beer all day. But if I get a job soon, I will do that the next time they go on holiday.


  1. You are quite the laydee's man!:P
    Good luck with the job seeking.

  2. Steph: Seriously; It's not how it seems, I am far from being any sort of laydeez man :(
