Tuesday 28 March 2006

Sorry is the fool who trades his love for hi-rise rent

I'm tired and slightly hungover and my legs hurt from going to the gym yesterday, so it's probably not the most coherent time for me to try and update. But I will anyway.

Work is just the same as ever, largely uneventful. I don't hate my job, but I know it's time to move on -- and as quickly as I can. I don't know what -- if anything -- will come of my interview with the media sales agency tomorrow. I've heard stories of these places making you take tests, then later claiming not to have any vacancies and being left hanging. But we shall see. I need to make a list of other options, or like in High Fidelity make a list of my ideal jobs. I think I can cross "astronaught" off the list these days.

On a personal level, I'm fine. Not exactly happy with where things are in my life, but they can be a lot worse. I'm just restless and bored. The more observant among you will notice a distinct lack of the name Lyndsay. Since she moved out of her apartment, I haven't heard a peep from her. She warned me she might not have internet while she stayed with friends, and I forget now how long she was staying with them for. This is why previous to her relatively recent reemergence in my life there's not been any mention of her -- she vanishes entirely for months, and with no diary to read or emails or...anything, feelings for her just get shelved. Of course, they're still there in the background, but life just goes on day to day without much thought.

Heard nothing from Expedia, but still hope each day for a letter or a phone call. A woman at work was saying the other day how her daughter is travelling through Thailand and Viet Nam on a moped, or something. It made me think of how I told Expedia the perfect blue sky I'd seen was in Phuket, I've never been to Asia but now I want to travel it on a motorbike. A sort of Asian take on Ernesto 'Che' Guevara's motorcycle diaries... I do fancy myself as a revolutionary, even though I'm about as revolutionary as a carrot.

It bears some thought, though, if you can follow my train of thought -- I've been reading my "Teach Yourself Zen" book lately. On Sunday on my break at work, I went outside and sat in my parked car. It was raining, but I wanted to get out of the pub for just a short while -- so I sat in my car, listening to the radio and the rain and read a chapter about meditation and concentration. Along with a page I recently stumbled upon -- Field Notes on the Compassionate Life -- I'm reminded of Guevara's quote, that the true revolutionary should always be guided by feelings of love. Maybe these things all tie together, in a way.

And entirely of topic, while searching google for today's title I found this instead. I can't decide if this is something I should read, or something I abhor.


  1. heh... this made me smile. I actually googled something similar about being a lady yesterday :)

  2. nah, any book with the phrase "live large" in it, needs to go.

  3. It seems like there's a sort of restlessness epidemic lately. I know I've caught it... maybe it's my midlife crisis.

    I used to work with a guy who just decided to up and quit his job to go teach English in Japan, and then spent the past year or two travelling through Asia and the Pacific and, after a brief spell at home for the holidays, took on South America.

    Maybe that's more ambitious than I need for myself, but damn. I need to recharge myself somehow...
