Saturday 5 May 2007

Baby's got rabies

It's been a while since I last updated, properly, and I can see my readership has dropped off sharply -- but it's not a big deal, I don't ever expect to get a book deal out of my blogging. I just write compulsively, and sometimes try to write well. The truth is, there hasn't been much to say. Except, I have noticed that you're all slacking on the guestmap.

Since starting my new job, there's not much going on -- the job itself is good, the work is very familiar and similar to what I used to do in PR so there's no problems there. I don't have much more to say about the job than that, partly out of fear of being dooced, but mostly just because it's not very interesting to anyone outside the industry. I might start updating "Too Many Divas..." again, but I don't even have anything to rant about. I don't know if the job will last, but for now it's all pretty good there.

And work treats me pretty decently, as opposed to that soul-sucking last job. It seems strange now how suddenly I left that job, and how completely I left everyone. Occasionally on the train or on the tube or in a station I'll think "Oh look, there's-" whoever, and then remember that it won't be them. The one guy I really considered my friend I tried inviting to gatherings with my friends at my house one weekend, but he couldn't come and that was more or less the last I heard. Sometimes it's almost funny how you can think of someone your friend, and how quickly you will leave them behind. All the people I lived with at university, the people I was close to, down the pub every night, out on the town -- and then suddenly,

I still have a copy of my old posts from the blog I kept on Open Diary, all those years ago. Saved in such a way that all the original comments were saved with each post. And yet, some names mean nothing to me now.

The other labels used most around here I think are music and girls. In terms of girls, there is really nothing to say. San is Japan, and enjoying herself, which is nice to know. She calls me about once a week now, and that makes me laugh as at no point during any of the periods we were dating did she ever call me regularly. There's nothing in it, though, I think she just misses having a link to home. I had a dream about Lyndsay the other night, which was surprising. I think it was prompted by recent communication I'd had with the girl. For ages, she's been mentioning she was coming to London, to see a friend, but it's consistently been pushed back because she has no money. Which is fair enough. Then recently, when the Pound was at its strongest against the Dollar, my parents started speculating about an impromptu Floridian break to make the most of it. If I tagged along, I would also have got to see Lyndsay on her home turf -- and put into action my plan to woo her with pizza and miniature golf. I mentioned the first part to her (the impromptu break, not the wooing) and she thought it was a grand idea. But alas the idea was abandoned because it was just too costly.

Then, as I say, came the dream. I won't go into it in too much detail as it can bug me sometimes when outside of a dream diary people devote pages and pages to their dreams. My dream generally featured Lyndsay working in Sea World as some kind of dolphin trainer/performer, and I had to convince her on behalf of the British government to undertake some espionage mission, for the princely sum of a million pounds. Naturally, her boyfriend also featured in the dream, suspicious about my motives and about the truth of it all. He was convinced when he discovered it was all true. It's funny a boyfriend I've never met and may not even still exist appeared in the dream, it reminds of the time I asked Lyndsay to run away with me to Vegas to get married, and she told me she didn't think her boyfriend would like it very much. But anyway, there will be no impromptu holidays, no meetings either side of the Atlantic ocean, and probably continue to be very little contact.
I also wonder if I was inspired to dream about Lyndsay because I have been working closely the last few days with a cute girl sharing the same name.

There's not much new on the music front to shout about. On Wednesday I went to an open mike music night in my friend's car.
It was an experimental night
that does gigs in people's cars.

Actually, that's completely untrue apart from featuring an open mike music night (the rest of it was an adaptation of an old John Hegley poem I might post sometime) -- we went to an open mike music night to see a friend's acoustic jam band doing a bit of a headline slot. The earlier acts were the usual fare, pretty awful, and it made me wonder if I couldn't join myself sometime. Despite the fact I can't play anything, and can't sing in key. It didn't seem to stop anyone else. It was a good night though, I had been unsure if I even wanted to go earlier in the day, but I enjoyed myself and it was good to do something different for a change.

So you see, nothing much to say. There's no new crushes, or new developments with old ones. No new bands to shout about -- although recently I have been mostly listening to Silversun Pickups and the John Butler Trio. These things are important.

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