Friday 11 January 2008

Funeral, by Carol Ann Duffy


Say milky cocoa we'd say,
you had the accent for it,
drunk, you sometimes would. Milky

cocoa. Preston. We'd all
laugh. Milky cocoa. Drunk,
drunk. You laughed, saying it.

From all over the city
mourners swarmed, a demo against
death, into the cemetery.

You asked for nothing.
Three gravediggers, two minutes
of silence in the wind. Black

cars took us back. Serious
drinking. Awkward ghosts
getting the ale in. All afternoon

we said your name, repeated
the prayers of anecdotes,
bereaved and drunk

enough to think you might arrive,
say milky cocoa...Milky
, until we knew you'd gone.

by Carol Ann Duffy


  1. Hope it went as ok as can be expected at these things.

  2. heh this poem perfectly represents everything that I hate about modern poetry. After I read it, I just sat there and thought, "huh?" and I'm an English Literature major!! I just don't get it. :)
